Rocks of Reliability: Journalist’s Tools for Tackling Disinformation
The guide Rocks of Reliability: Journalist’s Tools for Tackling Disinformation is intended primarily for journalists and media workers who are faced with a surge of disinformation, misinformation or malinformation, or various other manipulative techniques.
Vulnerability to disinformation of diverse groups of citizens in North Macedonia
The research "Vulnerability to disinformation of diverse groups of citizens in North Macedonia" aims to determine the individual factors, motives, and barriers for recognizing and dealing with disinformation of vulnerable groups of citizens.
Role of Institutional Transparency in Tackling Disinformation and Speculation in North Macedonia
The study "Role of Institutional Transparency in Tackling Disinformation and Speculation in North Macedonia" aims to identify how transparency can help counter the spread of disinformation that undermines trust in state institutions.
Femicide in Macedonian Media
The initial research query the analysis aims to answer is how does media coverage of cases of femicide, as the most severe form of gender-based violence, impact the perpetuation of gender stereotypes.
Hate Speech in Macedonia
ICS conducted research on the dominant hate speech narratives in Macedonia and the most frequent perpetrators (and victims) of such speech in the country. Read the document in which we outline the most obvious such cases in the past few years.
Media Literacy in Macedonia: Efforts for Implementation in the Elementary Education
The School for Journalism and Public Relations, with the support of the Bureau for Development of Education, carried out the research "Media Literacy in Macedonia: Efforts for Implementation in the Elementary Education", in order to determine how this concept is treated in the curricula and programs, what forms of acquiring media literacy are used (didactic materials, teaching means, spatial conditions, etc.) and what is the education of media literacy teachers.
Greater Responsibility or Enhanced Propaganda: Journalism Ethics in the Digital Age (policy paper)
The policy paper focuses on the challenges and issues the journalism is facing in the digital age. The document provides an overview of legislation in this area, a review of cases from practice and recommendations on how the media and journalists can report professionally and ethically.
Strengthening Professional Standards or Erosion of Free Speech: Regulating Online Media in Macedonia (policy paper)
The policy paper addresses the issue of regulating online media and the challenges and problems arising from this process.
Participatory Model for Public Media in Macedonia: Reviving an Idea (policy brief)
How to transform Macedonian Radio Television (MRT) into a modern broadcast media that is approachable for the citizens? To do this, a different normative model of a public service is needed than the one now included in the legislation - a participatory model of a public broadcasting service.
Monitoring Democracy in Macedonia (MODEM)
MODEM focused on monitoring media content and preparing analysis that aimed to prove whether there is corroded media reporting that endangers the political pluralism in the pre-election and election process in the country. The analysis and data obtained served to benefit the citizens, the civil sector, the media organizations, decision makers and the international community in creating substantiated attitudes and arguments for policy initiation.