Youth for nature
Can the creativity of our youth change our environment, can the youth be the creators of the world they want to grow in?
Six grantees selected to address the local environmental issues
The Institute of Communication Studies (ICS) in partnership with the Macedonian Ecological Society (MES) selected the six civil society organizations that in partnership with high schools from the regions that include protected areas (Pelagonia, Ohrid, Strumica, Tikvesh, Demir Kapija and Prespa) will be implementing initiatives for solving the local environmental problems.
Call for awarding grants for initiating solutions for local environmental issues
The Institute of Communication Studies (ICS), in partnership with the Macedonian Ecological Society (MES), is announcing a Call for grants for civil society organizations from regions with protected areas (Ohrid, Prespa, Demir Kapija, Tikvesh, Strumica and Pelagonija) that will offer initiatives for solving local problems related to environmental protection.
High school students and civil society organizations will solve problems for better environmental protection
Six CSOs, along with high school students from six regions in the country, will initiate local solutions to environmental issues. The Institute of Communication Studies (ICS) and the Macedonian Ecological Society (MES) will train eco-activists and students from Pelagonija, Ohrid, Strumica, Tikves, Demir Kapija and Prespa for the next two years on how to initiate and present a problem in their region and develop solutions in which the citizens and the institutions will be involved.