Environmental inspections to improve accountability to citizens
State inspectorates with environmental competencies merely adhere to the prescribed legal minimum for informing the public and do not provide sufficiently substantial information about their work and the complaints submitted by citizens. They do not make public presentations of the semi-annual reports on the achieved results every six months. This is shown by the assessment of transparency and accountability of environmental inspectorates made by CED Florozon, in collaboration with the Institute of Communication Studies as part of the "Clear it Up" campaign. The assessment refers to the State Inspectorate of Environment (SEI), the State Inspectorate for Forestry and Hunting (SIFH), the
Report on the Survey on Sustainable Water Management and Oversight on the Use of Natural Resources
The survey covered two aspects: The perception of the functioning of public institutions in the aforementioned areas, primarily the opinions of citizens on the transparency, inclusiveness and accountability of public institutions. Citizens' views on specific measures in the areas in which the public campaign will be conducted (water resources management and inspection of the management of mineral resources, forests, soils and waters).