CSOs trained in biodiversity advocacy campaigning
Training facilitators Lukasz Bochenek and Luts Meyer of “Leidar” – international advocacy company – passed on their knowledge and discussed with the participants on how to engage all actors in society, particularly the youth, to influence the government.
Secondary school students and civil society activists learn how to better advocate for environmental initiatives
Better access to information on water quality in the Prespa Lake, cleaning of small illegal landfills and dumpsites in Struga, solving the problem with construction waste in the Demir Kapija gorge, implementation of good agricultural practices in the Tikvesh and Strumica region and encouraging eco-activism among young people in Bitola are the six initiatives within which the Institute for Communication Studies and a group of civil society organizations will implement a series of activities in the course of this year in order to improve the state of the environment
NGO training on environmental advocacy and lobbying
What is the context for environmental advocacy and lobbying, who are the parties in favor or opposing the changes, what affects the public opinion, why facts are important and how to use them in efficient manner.
Call for documentary professionals: plan and conduct a workshop
The Institute of Communication Studies – Skopje is in the search for a team of two trainers to conduct a 5 days’ workshop on creation of nature and environment documentaries.