The media literacy project “YouThink” focuses on developing the critical thinking skills and critical approach to information in young people that they need to build resistance to misinformation and contribute to building active, responsible citizenship driven by empathy.
The role of ICS in this project is to promote cooperation with higher education institutions in the country and abroad. Every year ICS awards grants to domestic faculties for the inclusion of media literacy in study programs, conducts research in the field, organizes a scientific symposium, and publishes the academic journal KAIROS whose first edition was published in July 2022. In addition, ICS promotes non-formal education for young people through JEDI media literacy training, organizes internships in media, and in cooperation with “Giffoni” – film festival, organizes film literacy workshops for young people.
Implementer: IREX
Partners: ICS, Macedonian institute for media (MIM), Youth educational forum
Duration: 2021 – 2026
Donor: USAID