


About ICS

The Institute of Communication Studies is a leading research organization in the field of journalism and media studies, public relations and corporate communications. Our mission is to contribute towards strengthening of Macedonian democracy by working with media, civil society and public institutions, educating a critical public that will ask for greater transparency and accountability through engagement in the policy creation process.


Popularizing Environmental Communication Through Online Learning and Virtual Mobility

Популаризирање на комуникацијата за животна средина преку онлајн учење и виртуелна мобилност

Environmental communication is not included in existing educational programs in the Western Balkans and Croatia in a way that combines ecology, communications, journalism, and research. Therefore, the project will introduce an innovative and interdisciplinary approach in creating and implementing a regional online program and opportunities for virtual mobility. The six-month specialization will be intended for representatives from the civil society, researchers, lecturers in educational institutions, employees in public institutions and the business sector, journalists, as well as all those interested who want to be educated and trained as communication professionals in the environment.

ICS, together with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture at the University of Zagreb, the Department of Biology and Ecology at the University of Novi Sad, the Faculty of Political Science at the University of Sarajevo, and the Department of Biology at the University of Tirana, started implementing the project “Popularizing Communication for the environment through online learning and virtual mobility”, funded by the EU program ERASMUS+.
