


About ICS

The Institute of Communication Studies is a leading research organization in the field of journalism and media studies, public relations and corporate communications. Our mission is to contribute towards strengthening of Macedonian democracy by working with media, civil society and public institutions, educating a critical public that will ask for greater transparency and accountability through engagement in the policy creation process.


Digital Media and Convergence

Third Semester

5 weeks

8 ECTS credits

Ass. Prof. Sefer Tahiri

Course description

What is the future of television and other media? What kind of programs and content will be broadcast in the coming years? What is the role of blogs, vlogs, podcasts and social networks? The course focuses on digital media as new media enabled by the electronic transmission of information and the convergence of the media, ie their mutual convergence and tendency to merge.

What will you learn
  • You will be able to analyze digital media and their relationship with traditional media;
  • You will understand the principles of the new regulatory policy aimed at encouraging new services and removing market barriers;
  • You will understand the convergence of media and the opportunities and threats to the media industry, consumers and advertisers;
  • You will be able to identify, analyze and create services and content intended for different parts of the audience in a converged market.
How will you learn

Study subject-by-subject, through individual learning and teamwork in real-life situations, under the mentorship of renowned professors from Macedonia and abroad. If your commitments do not allow you to attend regular classes, learn in the ICS virtual classroom at any time and from anywhere.


Dzozef Tjurou. Mediji danas- Uvod u masovne komunikacije. Clio 2009

Stanko Crnobrnja. Estetika televizije i novih medija. Clio 2010

Жарко Паиќ. Визуелни комуникации. Готен 2013

Knopp, Michael & Scheuer, Alexander. Digital Television Glossary

European Audiovisual Observatory 2004

Preissel et al. (eds.). Telecommunication Markets: Drivers and Impediments Springer Physica-Verlag HD. 2009

Alabau, A. and Guijarro, L.The Electronic Communications Policy of the European Union. Editorial Universitat Politecnica di Valencia, 2011