Identity, Cultural Diversity and Social Issues (optional)
Course description
In this course you will explore the sociological, psychological and historical context in which interpersonal and intergroup relationships take place in a multicultural society and gain an understanding and awareness of the impact of global social and structural factors on the creation of social and cultural groups and societies.
What will you learn
- You will promote understanding, affirmation and respect for people of different backgrounds;
- You will recognize how differences within and between groups can influence assessment, planning, intervention, and research;
- You will understand and learn the process of identity building and its importance in terms of cultural differences.
How will you learn
Study course by course, through individual learning and teamwork in real-life situations, under the mentorship of renowned professors from Macedonia and abroad. If your commitments do not allow you to attend regular classes, learn in the ICS virtual classroom at any time and from anywhere.
Шопар В., (2012) Идентитет, културна разновидност и општествени прашања, авторизирани предавања, Висока школа за новинарство и за односи со јавноста, Скопје
Шопар В., (2012) Постмодерен идентитет, авторизирани предавања, Висока школа за новинарство и за односи со јавноста, Скопје