Workshop: Media Literacy Competencies
Which knowledge and skills should a citizen possess to be media literate? This was the key question that professors from pedagogical and other faculties from various universities discussed with the Croatian professor and media literacy expert, Igor Kanizaj.
With him, they looked at traditional concepts of setting learning goals when creating a media literacy programme in reference to the digital competencies (Digi Comp 2.2.). The differences between “digital”, “information”, “media and information” and “media literacy” were summarized, as well as the concepts promoted by the European Union, UNESCO, research centers and other professional organisations in the field.
Macedonian professors agreed that the country lacks a national framework for media literacy competencies in higher education, unlike primary and secondary education (which will soon be adopted).
The workshop was organised by the Institute of Communication Studies within the framework of USAID’s media literacy project YouThink managed by IREX in cooperation with the Macedonian Media Institute and the Youth Educational Forum. Within this project, eight faculties from six universities introduced media literacy courses in their degree programmes.
The workshop was held within the Media Literacy Days.