


About ICS

The Institute of Communication Studies is a leading research organization in the field of journalism and media studies, public relations and corporate communications. Our mission is to contribute towards strengthening of Macedonian democracy by working with media, civil society and public institutions, educating a critical public that will ask for greater transparency and accountability through engagement in the policy creation process.


Call for abstracts | KAIROS: Media and Communications Review (Vol. 2, No. 2)

Deadline: June 23, 2023

ICS invites all interested authors to submit their abstracts under the third open call for abstracts within KAIROS: Media and Communications Review.

Theme of the issue: Media and Information Literacy in the Age of AI

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, media and information literacy (MIL) plays a critical role in fostering an informed and discerning audience. With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) reshaping journalism, media, and communications, it is pivotal to understand and harness the power of MIL to empower young people. This call for papers focuses on exploring the dynamics of MIL in mitigating AI’s influence over youth and promoting critical, informed engagement with digital media.

We welcome research that contributes to our understanding of MIL’s role in the age of AI, its impact on young people’s media consumption, and potential strategies to bolster MIL education and practice.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • The role of MIL in fostering critical consumption of AI-driven content among young audiences.
  • Pushing back against AI-driven disinformation.
  • Strategies for integrating MIL education into modern curricula to combat the influence of AI in media consumption.
  • The impact of MIL in promoting informed decision-making and participation in digital platforms.
  • The ethical considerations surrounding MIL education in the context of AI and digital media.
  • Capacity and sustainability of MIL initiatives in the face of rapid AI advancements.
  • Case studies of successful MIL programs and their impact on young people’s interaction with AI-driven media.

Important dates

  • The deadline for submitting abstracts is June 23, 2023.
  • Notification of acceptance/rejection of abstracts by June 30, 2023.
  • The deadline for sending full papers (5,000 – 8,000 words) is August 25, 2023.
  • The editorial board will only accept texts that have not been published before.
  • Only abstracts that follow the below instructions will be accepted.

Instructions for writing the abstract

  • Abstracts should be written in English;
  • Abstracts should contain 200 – 300 words (not counting footnotes);
  • The title of the abstract should not contain more than 20 words, should be in capital letters, and should not contain abbreviations;
  • Abstracts should be written using Times New Roman font, with a letter size of 12 and spacing of 15 for the main text, and with a letter size of 10 with a spacing of 1 for the text in footnotes;
  • Abstracts should contain 3-5 keywords;
  • Abstracts, together with a short biography of the authors, should be sent in Word and PDF format to and with the indication “Article Abstract – KAIROS Vol. 2, No. 2

KAIROS was created within USAID’s Media Literacy Project YouThink. It is a five-year program funded by USAID to work with youth to help them navigate and shape an information ecosystem that informs and encourages cooperation rather than division and polarization.

USAID’s project on media literacy YouThink is implemented by IREX together with the Macedonian Institute for Media (MIM), the Institute of Communication Studies (ICS) and the Youth Educational Forum (YEF). YouThink activities are made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).