Call for abstracts for KAIROS: Media and Communications Review (Vol.1 No.2)
ICS invites all interested authors to submit their abstracts under the second open call for abstracts within KAIROS: Media and Communications Review.
Theme of the issue: Reclaiming the digital information space
New technologies and digital media are shaping today’s world, our democracies, and our societies. The development of technology creates opportunities and threats to how we think about information, politics, and society. It is more important than ever for young people to be media literate so they can understand and use new media and communication tools in a socially useful way.
The challenge is great for young people, who tend to avoid the news, partly because of the impact of negative news on their mood and partly because of their distrust of the media and dominant news sources. They are more connected than ever, but at the same time, they are distanced from society.
How can media and information literacy help young people not only trust the media but also learn to use it to bring about positive changes in society? Can media literacy education be the cure for the growing avoidance of news by young people? Can education keep up with the pace of technology development, or is it doomed always to be a step behind? How have media and information literacy helped civic groups and initiatives in the past? Authors should try to elaborate on the answers to these (and other) questions in their papers.
Topics that can be covered (the list is not exhaustive):
– Reasons for avoiding the news by young people
– Ways of restoring trust in the media
– The role of artificial intelligence in creating and spreading disinformation
– How to use new technology and communication tools for positive changes in society
– The effectiveness of educational institutions in fostering critical thinking
– New models of media and communications education
– How media literacy can bring about positive changes in the community
– The connection between education and civic engagement
– Media manipulation and propaganda
– Risks and challenges for security when communicating on the Internet
– Case studies of communication practices of civic initiatives
Important dates
- The deadline for submitting abstracts is November 21, 2022.
- Notification of acceptance/rejection of abstracts by November 28, 2022.
- The deadline for sending full papers (5,000 – 8,000 words) is February 1, 2023.
- The editorial board will only accept texts that have not been published before.
- Only abstracts that follow the below instructions will be accepted.
Instructions for writing the abstract
- Abstracts should be written in English;
- Abstracts should contain 200 – 300 words (not counting footnotes);
- The title of the abstract should not contain more than 20 words, should be in capital letters, and should not contain abbreviations;
- Abstracts should be written using Times New Roman font, with a letter size of 12 and spacing of 15 for the main text, and with a letter size of 10 with a spacing of 1 for the text in footnotes;
- Abstracts should contain 3-5 keywords;
- Abstracts, together with a short biography of the authors, should be sent in Word and PDF format to and with the indication “Article Abstract – KAIROS No. 2”
KAIROS was created within USAID’s Media Literacy Project YouThink. It is a five-year program funded by USAID to work with youth to help them navigate and shape an information ecosystem that informs and encourages cooperation rather than division and polarization.
YouThink is implemented by IREX together with the Macedonian Media Institute (MIM), the Institute for Communication Studies (ICS), and the Youth Education Forum (YEF). YouThink’s activities are made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).