Reputational Management

Course description
The strength and size of reputation of an organization represents the manner in which a complex range of stakeholders perceives that organization. Very often, there is a gap between the way the organization intends to be seen and the reality, or in the way in which stakeholders actually view the organization. This may be due to a series of forces, some slow, predictable and controllable, and some sudden, unpredictable and relatively uncontrollable. The purpose of this subject is to understand the reputation and the brand as the most important intangible value of the organizations.
What will you learn
- You will know the essence of good reputation and brand management and how the process of building good reputation and sustainable brands can achieve competitive advantage and business success;
- You will be able to apply the process and the key steps towards building strong brands and winning reputations for at least two reasons: first, for positioning corporate communications as a success factor in organizations, and second, for achieving the major corporate goals.
How will you learn
Study course by course, through individual learning and with teamwork in real-life situations, under the mentorship of renowned professors from Macedonia and abroad. If your commitments do not allow you to attend the regular classes, study in the virtual classroom of ICS at any time and from anywhere.
Charles J. Fombrun and Cees B.M. Van Riel (2004). Fame & Fortune – How Successful Companies Build Winning Reputations, FT Prentice Hall (273 страници), преведена на македонски јазик
Бренд менаџмент прирачник (2000). подготвен од м-р Сузана Панова Никифорова
AIRMIC (2015). Defining and managing reputation risk: A framework for risk managers. Reputation Institute (на англиски јазик)
Leslie de Chernatony (2001, 2010) From Brand Vision to Brand Evaluation, Butterworth Heinemann
Cees B.M. Van Riel and Charles J. Fombrun (2007) Essentials of Corporate Communications, Routlenge Taylor&Francis Group (страна 38-61), англиски јазик
Phillip Kotler and Kevin L Keller (2006) Marketing Management: The International Edition, Prentice Hall Inc.