Economy of the Media and Structure of the Media Industry (optional)

Subject description
The subject will introduce you to the main economic concepts and issues pertaining to the media and the most relevant economic features of the media industry and media markets, the relevance of the technology, the design and the content to all relevant economic aspects. The focus is on the specific characteristics of the media companies and organizations, their reflection on the strategies used by the media, the supply and demand in the media industry, the structure and the way the media industries operate, including advertising, the economics of the online media, and more.
What will you learn
- You will be able to critically assess the economic challenges and opportunities for the media companies;
- You will understand the key processes taking place in the media industry;
- You will identify the interests and strategic options for the media companies in the media market today;
- You will be familiar with the regulatory and political environment in which the media operate and their interests in potential changes in the policies affecting the media market.
How will you improve
Study subject-by-subject, through individual learning and with teamwork in real-life situations, under the mentorship of renowned professors from Macedonia and abroad. If your commitments do not allow you to attend the regular classes, study in the virtual classroom of ICS at any time and from anywhere.
Albarran, A. B. (2010). The media economy. New York: Routledge. (Chapters 1, 4, & 7) Anderson, C. (2004). The Long Tail. Wired,
Chyi, H. I., & Chadha, M. (2011). NEWS ON NEW DEVICES. Journalism Practice, 6(4), 431‐449. Doyle, G. (2002). Understanding media economics. London: SAGE. (Chapters 1, 4, 7 & 9)
Doyle, G. (2010a). From Television to Multi‐Platform: Less from More or More for Less? Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 16(4), 431‐449.
Doyle, G. (2010b). Why culture attracts and resists economic analysis. Journal of Cultural Economics, 34(4), 245‐259.
Hollifield, C. A. (2004). The Economics of International Media. In A. Alexander, J. Owers, R. Carveth, C. A. Hollifield & A. N. Greco (Eds.), Media Economics: Theory and Practice (pp. 85‐106). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
Hoskins, C., McFadyen, S., & Finn, A. (2004). Media economics : applying economics to new and traditional media. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. (Chapters 2‐4 & 13)
Jenkins, H. (2006). Convergence culture : where old and new media collide. New York: New York University Press.
Livingstone, S., & Lunt, P. (2007). Representing Citizens and Consumers in Media and Communications Regulation. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 611(1), 51‐65.
Peruško, Z., & Popoviç, H. (2008). Media Concentration Trends in Central and Eastern Europe. In K.
Jakubowicz & M. Sükösd (Eds.), Finding the Right Place on the Map. Bristol: IntellectBooks. Picard, R. G. (2002). The economics and financing of media companies (1st ed.). New York: Fordham University Press. (Chapter 6)
Puppis, M. (2009). Media Regulation in Small States. International communication gazette, 71(1‐2), 7‐17