Zoran Dimitrovski

ZORAN DIMITROVSKI, MA, is a journalist, political analyst and editor with many years of experience. As a scholarship holder of the Open Society Foundation Macedonia, in 1995 he received a master’s degree in political science from the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary, on “Transforming the Public Sphere in Eastern Europe: Monopolizing the Media in the Transition to Democracy in Macedonia”. He has been involved in journalism since 1985 in Student Word and Mlad Borec, where in the late 80’s and early 90’s of the last century, together with a group of young journalists he participated in the Macedonian Democratic Spring, giving his own contribution with its political analysis.
He graduated in journalism at Ss. Cyril and Methodius in 1987. He was the Editor-in-Chief of Mlad Borec (1991), Assistant Editor-in-Chief of Nova Makedonija (1999-2000), Editor-in-Chief of Vecer (2000-2001), Correspondent of NIP Nova Makedonija from Washington, USA (2001-2004), Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the weekly Focus (1995-1999, 2005-2010), Editor of the weekly Publika, attached to the daily newspaper Dnevnik (2010-2011), Editor-in-Chief of Dnevnik (2011- 2012), editor-in-chief of Nova Makedonija. From 2014-2019, Dimitrovski has been the editor-in-chief of the weekly magazine “Fokus”.