Associate professor Мilicа Sliјеpčеvić, Ph.D.

2021 – present: Associate Professor at the Faculty of Management – Business and Marketing module and at the Faculty of Digital Arts – Fashion Design module, Metropolitan University in Belgrade www.metropolitan.ac.rs
Teaches integrated marketing communications, strategic marketing, fashion marketing and human resource management.
2015 – to date: Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Management – Business and Marketing module and at the Faculty of Digital Arts – Fashion Design module, Metropolitan University in Belgrade.
Teaches integrated marketing communications, strategic marketing, fashion marketing and human resource management.
2005 – to date: – PR manager; director of the Public Relations Division; Corporate Communications Manager, Digital and Corporate Communications Manager at Dunav Insurance Company j.s.c.
2015 – to date: Founder and director of the Flou Communications Center. www.flou.rs
Author of FEBS Master Class programme (Flou Education and Business Synergy)
She is the author of the book Modni marketing (Fashion Marketing) 2016, HERAedu and a new book, revised edition Modni marketing, savremene tendencije (Fashion Marketing, contemporary tendencies).
She is the author of numerous professional and scientific papers in the field of her work.
Participation in projects:
2020/21: two projects for entrepreneur education and training
2018/19/202/21: member of the international portal evaluation jury organized by Media Daily from Croatia
2018: realization of 2 projects in the field of culture: “Levante Rose” and “Serbian Diva” www.flou.rs
2015 – to date: participated in media projects as an associate of FoNet Agency (”European Road’; ”No Gloves”, “Press Extra”, “Pressek”, etc.)
2018: retraining program for Java developers, as a member of the Metropolitan University lecturers’ team for the soft skills field, UNDP and the Government of the Republic of Serbia.
2016 – to date: Business Skills School: educating and coaching young unemployed people in modern business skills, career development and soft skills.
- Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad (Ph.D.)
Thesis: “Contemporary model of integrated corporate communications”
Received Master’s degree from the Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Belgrade, and graduated from the Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade.
She has participated in numerous national and international conferences.
She was a DSOJ jury member on several occasions. She has extensive experience in the field of communications, marketing. She has extensive experience in working with the media.
1991-2005. worked at the Blood Transfusion Institute of Serbia as the Head of the Division for voluntary blood donors motivation and organization. She has achieved great results with her team for which she received awards.
Special awards and honors:
2021 – Award for contribution to the development of the University – Metropolitan University in Belgrade
2018 – Award for contribution to the development of the University – Metropolitan University in Belgrade
2017 – Award for contribution to the development of the University – Metropolitan University in Belgrade
2016 – Award for contribution to the development of the University – Metropolitan University in Belgrade
2003 – Recognition from the Blood Transfusion Institute of Serbia and the Red Cross of Serbia for contribution to the development of donation
She is a member of the Court of Honor of the Public Relations Society of Serbia for two terms.
She is a member of numerous domestic and foreign professional organizations.
She is dedicated to professional development, self-development, continuous work and education.
Social media profile:
LinkedIn profile: https://bit.ly/2D4G5vR
Facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/milica.slijepcevic.92
Instagram: @slijepcevicmilica
Twitter: mslijepcevic1
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=QsTFt3sAAAAJ
Research Gate: https://bit.ly/3ttHK7E