Stop Disinformation offers a variety of resources such as animated videos, blog posts, tutorials, webinars, online quizzes, manuals and other educational resources that should help users of social networks and CSOs to more easily recognize, manipulate and deal with fake news. and misinformation.
Through the Stop Disinformation platform, citizens can ask questions about the work of journalists and the media during the “Fake News Week”, as well as questions about how to protect themselves on social networks and cyberspace, and the recorded video answers are published in the “Ask Questions” section.
The online platform Stop Disinformation is part of the project “News and Digital Literacy – Where Fake News Fails”, which aims to improve the effectiveness, responsibility and ethical behavior of citizens and journalists in the digitall space, through improving news literacy and digital literacy. The project is being implemented in cooperation with the Macedonian Institute of Media, the Independent Trade Union of Journalists and Media Workers, and the Media Diversity Institute in London.