


About ICS

The Institute of Communication Studies is a leading research organization in the field of journalism and media studies, public relations and corporate communications. Our mission is to contribute towards strengthening of Macedonian democracy by working with media, civil society and public institutions, educating a critical public that will ask for greater transparency and accountability through engagement in the policy creation process.


Research Methods

Second Semester

5 weeks

8 ECTS credits

Associate professor: Dr.Ljupcho Efremov

Subject description

In this subject you will be introduced to the most important elements of a research plan that you need to realize as part of your master thesis. The knowledge you gain is equally useful in the realization of a smaller research project that collects empirical data and in the secondary analysis of data from other researches that have been conducted.

What will you learn
  • You will be able to design a research plan;
  • You will be able to design a survey questionnaire, in-depth interview and focus group guidelines, and a coding framework for content analysis;
  • You will know how to collect and evaluate secondary data;
  • You will be able to interpret the data collected, make a research report and present the research results verbally.
How will you improve

Study subject-by-subject, through individual learning and with teamwork in real-life situations, under the mentorship of renowned professors from Macedonia and abroad. If your commitments do not allow you to attend the regular classes, study in the virtual classroom of ICS at any time and from anywhere.


Трпевска, Снежана (2011) Истражување и прибирање информации, (авторизирани предавања), Скопје: Висока школа за новинарство и за односи со јавноста.

Bryman, A. (2009), Social Research Methods, Oxford University Press.

Wimmer, Roger D., and Dominick, Joseph R. (2011), Mass Media Research, An Introduction (8th Edition), Thomson Wadsworth Publishing Co.: Belmont, CA. (електронско издание)

Stacks, D. W. (2011) Primer of Public Relations Research, Second edition, New York: The Guilford Press.

Austin, Е.W., Pinkleton, B.E. (2010) Strategic Public Relations Management: Planning and Managing Effective Communication Programs, Second edition, London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.