Reputational Management (optional)
Course description
The course aims to teach students the importance of setting, improving and observing the highest professional standards, principles and values as an internal code of conduct for any media company. It focuses on media ethics from a managerial perspective, enabling managers to be able to follow the latest trends in new media and be ready for the new 2.0 journalism.
What will you learn
- You will know how to set and promote the professional standards, principles and values of a media company;
- You will be able to build editorial integrity, independent of political and economic interests and pressures;
- You will follow the latest trends in new media and be prepared for new journalism and the challenges it faces.
How will you improve
Study course by course, through individual learning and teamwork in real-life situations, under the mentorship of renowned professors from Macedonia and abroad. If your commitments do not allow you to attend regular classes, learn in the ICS virtual classroom at any time and from anywhere.
Journalism ethics, Martin Hirst, Roger Patching, 2005 Oxford university
Медиумската сопственост и нејзиното влијание врз независноста на медиумите и плурализмот, Сандра Хрватин, 2004 , Медиумски институт за медиуми
Телевизијата во Европа-прописи,политика и независност, Open society institute, 2005
Vous dire la verite, Aidan White, 2010 Victoires editions
Бизнисот во етиката, етиката во бизнисот, Снежана Трпевска, Јоана Авадани, Мануела Протеаса 2005, Македонски институт за медиуми
Media the business of ethics,the ethics of business, Center for independet journalism, Bucharest 2005
Understanding public opinion, Barbara Norrander, Clyde Wilcox, 2002 CQ Press