


About ICS

The Institute of Communication Studies is a leading research organization in the field of journalism and media studies, public relations and corporate communications. Our mission is to contribute towards strengthening of Macedonian democracy by working with media, civil society and public institutions, educating a critical public that will ask for greater transparency and accountability through engagement in the policy creation process.


Digital and Audiovisual Culture

First Semester

5 weeks

8 ECTS credits

Ass. Prof. Sefer Tahiri

Course description

The course examines the main theories of digital culture and the media and introduces the various social, artistic, theoretical and cultural practices that make up today’s digital sphere and virtual environment. The course provides a foundation for understanding analogue and digital audiovisual aesthetics and theory.

What will you learn
  • You will be able to analyze products in new media;
  • You will learn to analyze and interpret the growing visualization of contemporary culture;
  • You will develop visual and verbal skills in observing, analyzing, describing and critiquing audio-visual images.
How will you improve

Study course-by-course, through individual learning and teamwork in real-life situations, under the mentorship of renowned professors from Macedonia and abroad. If your commitments do not allow you to attend regular classes, learn in the ICS virtual classroom at any time and from anywhere.


Дизајн на интеракција, Шарл Роџер- Прис, 2010  Арс Ламина

Thinking visually, Mark Wigan, 2006  AVA Publising SA

Бахтин и визуелната уметност, Дебора Џ. Хејнс, 2012​  Европа 92

Designing brand identity, Alina Wheeler, 2006  John Wiley

Уметност мината, уметност сегашна, Дејвид Г. Вилкинс, Бернард Шулц, Кетрин М. Линдаф, 2009  Нампрес

И​стории на медиумска уметност, Оливер Грау, 2009  MIT Press

Историја на модерната уметност, Х.Х Харисон, 2009  Нампрес