Ethical Reporting on Gender – Based Violence in North Macedonia
The dominance of daily political events, the limited resources in the newsrooms, the lack of specialized journalists, the absence of sources and the perception that topics related to gender-based violence are not of primary importance contribute to the under-reporting of gender-based violence.
Gender equality in a time of gendered disinformation
The analysis states that, by providing space for spreading gendered disinformation, the media contribute to dehumanization and demonization, as well as direct verbal attacks and threats to supporters of gender equality and the LGBTI+ community, most of whom are women.
A pathway to civic engagement through media literacy – Trainer’s Guide
The Trainer’s Guide to Developing Media Literacy Skills is intended to be a practical guide for everyone who would like to apply a model of inclusive media literacy development, whether in a school, as part of the class teacher’s work programme, or a civil society organization.
Sexist hate speech against young girls
Sexist hate speech against young girls is spread through comments on news reports on social media, which are fertile ground for the development of gender-based malicious and disturbing content. Such content is usually created in response to the news reports, so the role of the media and their reporting is significant for their prevention, and especially the regulation of comments on news reports on social media.
Rocks of Reliability: Journalist’s Tools for Tackling Disinformation
The guide Rocks of Reliability: Journalist’s Tools for Tackling Disinformation is intended primarily for journalists and media workers who are faced with a surge of disinformation, misinformation or malinformation, or various other manipulative techniques.
Vulnerability to disinformation of diverse groups of citizens in North Macedonia
The research "Vulnerability to disinformation of diverse groups of citizens in North Macedonia" aims to determine the individual factors, motives, and barriers for recognizing and dealing with disinformation of vulnerable groups of citizens.
Role of Institutional Transparency in Tackling Disinformation and Speculation in North Macedonia
The study "Role of Institutional Transparency in Tackling Disinformation and Speculation in North Macedonia" aims to identify how transparency can help counter the spread of disinformation that undermines trust in state institutions.
Femicide in Macedonian Media
The initial research query the analysis aims to answer is how does media coverage of cases of femicide, as the most severe form of gender-based violence, impact the perpetuation of gender stereotypes.
Report from research of citizens’ ability to discern and deal with disinformation
This report includes the findings of the public opinion research that refers to identification of citizens’ ability to discern and deal with disinformation.
Hate Speech in Macedonia
ICS conducted research on the dominant hate speech narratives in Macedonia and the most frequent perpetrators (and victims) of such speech in the country. Read the document in which we outline the most obvious such cases in the past few years.